Bid Whist Challenge

by KDK Apps



** Bid Whist **

Bid Whist is a popular card game played with a partner against another team of two. The game is played with a standard deck of cards (including 2 jokers). Players are dealt a total of 12 cards. The remaining 6 cards are dealt face down into the Kitty. Each player will bid starting clockwise from the dealer (dealer bids last). The bid consists of a bid number and description. The bid number is the number of tricks (books) a player believes his partnership can achieve over 6. For example, a bid of 4 = 10 books. The bid description indicates a bid direction (High or Low) or whether the bid is a No trump. A bid direction of High (Uptown) indicates A,K,Q... are the highest value cards. A bid direction of Low (Downtown, Special) indicates A,2,3... are the highest value cards. A No trump bid indicates that each suit has equal weight and the lead card can not be cut. The bid direction of a No bid is specified after winning the bid.Bid numbers can range from 3 - 7. The Option screen gives the player the option of playing with a minimum of 3 or 4.Bid descriptions have the following weights: No > Low > High. The Option screen allows the player to play make Low and High equal in weight: No > Low = High. The highest bidder indicates a trump suit or in the case of a No bid indicates the direction (High/Low). The jokers become the highest value cards in the indicated trump suit. For example, if Diamonds were called as trump the highest value cards for a High direction would be: Big Joker, Little Joker, A, K,... In the case of a No bid, the Big Joker and Little Joker have no value and should be discarded as soon as possible.The bid winner will start play as the lead player. The remaining players must play a card in the same suit as the lead card if available. If the player does not have a card in that suit they may play another suit. The highest value card in the lead suit wins the sequence unless a trump card is played in which case the highest trump card wins the sequence. The winner of the sequence will be the lead player in the following sequence. Game OptionsPractice Mode: The computer will not bid. Allowing the player to always win bid and practice different plays.Scoring - Conventional and Progressive: With Conventional scoring the bid winner may go into negatives if the bid is not acheived. Progressive scoring will award points to the opposition team if the bid is not achieved.Performance and Computer Player Improvements

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Great way to occupy time.

Christopher Canady

This is the closest app I've found that really knows how Bid Whist is played.

Jeannetta Parks

Bossman best game I've ever played in my whole entire life! Stop hating!

Jeff Martinez

The maker is not a true bid whist player. Picks up partner's trumps unnecessarily. Doest play winning cards to allow partner to throw off. Very frustrating sometimes. Makes unnecessary bids. Will bid 5 and barely have a 4 hand.

Andrea McKitty

I agree. The "them," side work well together, but my partner seems to try to sabotage our turn when it appears we are winning. This game has been revamped because it wasn't like this before. The remake is terrible. My partner will bid a "no trump" and throw out a card that is guaranteed to lose just so the other side can catch up. The old version would never have done that. Also, for NO Trumps, my partner would throw out the succeeding card that I need to run a train or suit without me having to wonder who has the next card in my suit. This version, my partner holds on and then throws off to another suit which can cause you to lose the Trump. So studpid. Bring back the old version!

Ksara sara

Excellent game!

Val Baker

The developer who made this game freaking sucks, it's made so that the computer knows when you over bid it. So even when you do bid over the computer, IT ends up with the missing cards to set you no matter what suit you call.

White Dlynn

Pretty good game but your partner does some of the dumbass moves that will make you lose, makes me want to slap them. my partner has gotten worst loses every bid.

thomas jones

Great fun it you liked player card

Rosemary Cohen

want to bid lower than the minimun of 4 want to bid 3

Frances Mayberrwhit